Where I am coming from... the begining

I was raised 1 of 7 children in a middle class family. My parents were saved shortly before I was born. They raised us in church and it was the center of our family's focus. As a young child I learned the golden rule and the 10 Commandments. I heard the Bible stories and knew all about Jesus.

My teen years, like so many others, were rough to say the least. This is when I stumbled and lost faith for years to come. Not only did I lose sight of God, but I lost my trust in my church. This was HUGE, and a very important part of my story.

My testimony isn't like others that you hear about. I didn't have one tragic event and go running back to God. It wasn't like I was hit by lightning and saw the light. I can't even blame my sins on drugs or addiction. I simply made bad choices, and had to live with the results of them. Through my journey the Holy Spirit clearly spoke to me many times. I still refused to believe that God loved me and could forgive me. The wisdom I gained and the grace I received from my painful experiences changed me forever. The lessons I have learned are worth sharing and I pray that I can help others that are struggling.

1 comment:

  1. Struggle is the last word on your post. But all people have to know is that they can over come. I know through all that you have been through, you are more than able to help them.
